1945 ~ Now
New Challenge of SeAH Aerospace & Defense!
Head Office View
- 2020
- Changed the company name to “SeAH Aerospace & Defense”
- 2019
- Announced M&A to SeAH Besteel on Oct. 30, 2019
- 2016
- Changed the company name to “Arconic Korea, Ltd”
- 2002
- Alcoa acquired on Feb 28, 2002
- 1997
- Changed the company name to “Dooray Air Metals”
- 1988
- Changwon Plant Business Initiation
- 1980
- Completed the Changwon Plant
- 1973
- Designated by the government as a defense contractor
- 1967
- Changed the company name to “Samsun Industrial”
- 1945
- Founded under the name of “Shi Heung Industrial Co.”